Tuesday, 10 December 2013


That in the process of working on your dream , you are going to go through a lot of disappointments , a lot of failure , a lot of pain . Those moments when you're going to doubt yourself saying ; God , why is this happening to me , I'm not trying to rob or steal anything , why is this happening to me ? - Don't give up on your dream .

You spend so much time on people . You spend so much time trying to get people to like you . You know other people more than you know yourself . You study them . You know about them . You want to hang out like them . You want to be just like them . And you know what ? You invested so much time in them you don't even know who you are .

Even if you face disappointments , you have to know within yourselves that - I can do this . Even if no one else sees it for me . I must see it for myself . NO MATTER HOW BAD IT IS OR HOW BAD IT GETS , I AM GOING TO MAKE IT .

The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows , it's a very mean and nasty place . No matter how tough you are , it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it .

Whatever ---


My mind says Victoria Secret Model but my heart says chocolate , pizza , foooooood .

Posted via Blogaway

Friday, 6 December 2013

Random .

  Lol . I finally posted . Yup . Me posting stuff on le blog but having no intention on what to post . Soooo ,
school's starting in about 3 weeks . Horror LOL bye.

Random quote >

" - You spend your whole life stuck in the labyrinth , thinking about how you'll escape it one day , and how awesome it will be , and imagining that future keeps you going , but you never do it .You just use your future to escape the present . - " John Green